Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bitter or sweet...bittersweet?

Trying to be an independent-minded teenager, who is still putting the puzzle pieces together to find out who they are, while trying to enjoy their once in a life time teenage years but at the same time being on their way out of teenage hood, with no pause or rewind buttons can be very disappointing on its own. Now imagine having to take a detour for nine months, to confront an unplanned pregnancy, which will only be followed by several subsequent events that will only add a “tiny” amount of pressure on the journey into adulthood. Truth is that there are options and not every teenage girl is ready to face the struggles, challenges, and criticism from society, that come along with any pregnancy, yet alone it being a teen pregnancy, but for those who take the given path that “faith” has brought to them a new world awaits on the other side. From financial struggles, to being criticized by friends, family, and society, to even having to possibly put the mothers education on hold to care for her infant, whatever the case maybe or the mothers age is, a pregnant teen should not be looked down on and be seen as an “other”. This brings me to believe that while most teen pregnancies are believed and attributed to promiscuity and careless behavior there are many underlying factors such as race (culture), class, the way society/ the media, view and advertise the subject have a big effect on the likelihood of teen pregnancies. 
During the first 17 years of my life, I thought that I had been confronted by many difficult decisions which had seemed like they would have an impact on the rest of my life. Such as trying to decide what color my new car should be, to where I should go for spring break too even if I should I accept the promotion offered to me at work.   To come and find out, how I had been completely wrong. It was actually that year that I was about to be confronted by my first decision that would actually impact the rest of my life. It had been a couple of weeks that I had missed my period, I didn’t think too much of it. I guess I didn’t want to face the possible facts of what that could mean, I was in denial. 

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