When I finally decided to face the potential truth, I came to discover what was really going on,
thinking and wondering of possibly being pregnant was no longer a thought, it became an acknowledged fact. I went through weeks of confusion and decision making. I knew I had numerous of options and every single one would affect me and the rest of my future. My options lingered through my mind for days, abortion, adoption, going through with the pregnancy, marriage, or even just keeping the baby to myself, for once I wish there had been fewer options. Although
abortion was an option that kept lingering through my mind, but even just thinking about it made me feel extremely guilty and selfish, it was like the thought of it brought an atmosphere of tension and weight that I know wasn’t something I could carry on forever. The feeling of heartbreak and guilt that came upon me when the thought of abortion lingered through my mind was due to the fact that I was always taught by family, church, even article readings that abortion was an inhumane act, to the zygote/fetus/ baby that is unheard and unable to speak for itself. I felt like I was no one in society to say that an innocent person shouldn’t be brought to this world and should be terminated. After more thought and deliberation, I decided that facing the consequences to my actions and taking responsibility was my best option, I could only wish, hope, and pray that I was right.
The questioning of my future started, after deciding to go through with my pregnancy. Would I still be able to continue my education and go to college? Or would I just become part of the statistic which shows, only 2% of girls that become pregnant before their 20th birthday (teen mothers) graduate from a 4 year university?( Teenpregnancy.org)
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